Hi, my name is Pat Walsh and I am glad you have chosen to be here. Seeing Our Path, Healing with Imagery is a website filled with both journal images and stories from my healing journey.

We who live with significant health problems tend to focus on physical symptoms: what’s happening with my blood pressure, heart rate, digestion, skin, pain, energy …? We’re less likely to note the toll illness takes on our mental clarity, focus, concentration, imagination. We may avoid feelings that roller-coaster through us: fear, anger, frustration, grief. We may be only vaguely aware of spiritual distress: isolation, loss of hope, abandonment, lack of meaning.

I have faced many health challenges through the years and have found keeping a drawing journal extremely helpful for living in balance. Over time, I sketched images that pressed out all my reactions: resistance and grappling with the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual darkness my suffering evoked. In the process, I found deep vulnerability within. I became increasingly aware, also, of Holy Mystery - creative, abiding, transforming Presence enfolding me always. Great Spirit--through my journal of healing images—connects with me.

How I create a journal of healing images

Begin by purchasing a bound book of blank pages (size is personal preference; mine is 9 x 12) and Prismacolor color pencils. I sit at a table with my journal open to the first blank page and multiple colored pencils spread out before me. I go quiet, center myself, and ask for Sacred Presence's help in bringing balance into my life. I let go of all thought, all judgment and allow Spirit to guide the drawing, knowing not what will appear on the page as the image emerges. When the image is finished, I sit in stillness, absorbing the wisdom revealed.

The healing imagery that emerges

The healing images that Spirit brings forth address what is needed at that moment. Examples:

  • I see my path at a deeper level.
  • I am able to release an emotion that is tensing my body preventing healing from happening.
  • I find hope in experiencing Wisdom's presence abiding within me.
  • I relax into the knowing.

Healing vs Cured

Healing is a process in which body, mind, spirit and emotions are brought into balance. Being in balance is a way of living that incorporates all parts of the self into one whole being. From that place one is able to see one's connection to all of creation and be one in it. The healing process moves a person from being isolated as a victim of illness to living fully engaged in the world while living with an illness.

Spirit's Call

These drawings would still be in my personal journals had I not felt Great Spirit calling me to share. I had no idea how it would happen, but when I started talking about my calling, the people were there who could make this happen. Trusting in Spirit's call, I have made these drawings and part of my story available to you.


When you are looking at the images, notice when an image touches you and sit with it. That connection is Wisdom's way of getting your attention. When out of balance, disconnected, unable to live fully, Great Spirit is there to help us regain balance, regain connection, regain a full life. This web site presents a way of experiencing healing that may be new for you. We encourage you to read the stories and sit with the drawings. Leave behind expectations and judgements and allow Sacred Mystery to be within you.

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